Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Gallia est omnis divisa in partes duos


Tecumseh said...

Yes, we've had several postings on this theme. Pepe's rote answer: it's just a bunch of Molotov cocktails, let the youth unwind, so what, big deal, it's all lePeniste propaganda, let's adapt, start dialogue, far from Versailles, yada, yada, yada.

In the meantime, France is going down the slippery slope. But who cares, as long as the escargots keep coming, and the crystal Roederer keeps flowing? Pass the cake.

Mr roT said...

Bad metaphor, AI. The slippery slope is considered a fallacy.

The Darkroom said...

AI - this epiphenomenon is segregated geographically to the very bleakest suburbs of Paris. It is alarming for the population, but I haven't seen it spread beyond these very specific environments - have you?

Arelcao Akleos said...

The very specific environments surrounding Paris, Nice, Marseilles, Lyons, so many more specific environments than two years ago, and two years ago so many more than two years before, etc.... Care to surmise, Pepita, the extent of the archipelago of these specific environments in 10 years? Enjoy these days, Pepita, before the harvest of what you've sown overwhelms the broken ramparts of your native land.

The Darkroom said...

aa - what can i say: you se a dark cloud and scream hurricane-a comin'.
I'll give you that this is somewhat disconcerting but I think you are incorrect when you state it is a muslim problem. It is nothing more than the result of extreme poverty and lack of education in the proximity of (comparatively) excessive wealth.

The Darkroom said...

I will also submit that these problems have been periodically surfacing in france as long as i can remember.

Tecumseh said...

It is nothing more than the result of extreme poverty and lack of education in the proximity of (comparatively) excessive wealth.

Sounds like textbook pidgin marxism to me: everything reduced to some socio-economic pseudo-explanation, nothing else counts. Maybe such analysis had an element of freshness (and a certain validity) circa 1848, or even 1870, but to view what is happening in les banlieues throughout France in 2006 as if it were a modern-day replay of Germinal or something is simply ludicrous. It just goes to show how clueless and out-of-touch with reality the modern-day Left really is.