Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Early Christmas Presents for Canadian-Bound AA

AA remarked that American television just doesn't get into Canada all that much. How Ameriphobic, yes. Regardless, here's a compilation of one of our newest Yankees, perhaps the new David Hume of 21st Century America, Christopher Hitchens (Disclaimer: Pepe might find this upsetting. Be careful JJ too: if I remember, you don't care that much for Hitchens.):

1.) Hitchens scolds the condescending Bill Maher and gives the blanket Middle Finger and a "Fuck You" to a hissing Maher audience (very recommended by mft; when watching this, I wondered how a Christopher Hitchens Ph.D Defense might go...).

2.) Hitchens on the vascillating Christian Church and Islam Militant (still recommended by mft).

3.) Hitchens wonders aloud if Reagan Jr. knows his 20th-century Mesopotamia history (very recommended by mft).

4.) Hitchens just after the Danish Embassy burnings. (yes, recommended — audio is a bit shaky).

5.) Hitchens in L.A., 11pm (just before his third wind — booze is his fuel! Kind of like JJ?).

6.) November 30, 2006, one of the latest interviews on anti-Semitism in mid-East.


Tecumseh said...

Good dope, MFT! I watched the first Hitchens clip -- the one where he gives the finger at the hissing, booing audience -- wow! Takes some cojones.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I think he's done that in front of far more hostile audiences.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Hostile audiences and booze are two of his main fuels. You should check out the other four pieces too, AI. The last one #5 is about 10 minutes in length, but the others, if I remember, aren't more than 1-to-6 minutes each. A friend of mine said there was a piece on Hitchens in the New Yorker not long — they pump those things out so quick, though, that it's hard to remember what issue. If I find it, I'll post it. He's fun to watch.

Mr roT said...

I can't wait till I get home!

My Frontier Thesis said...

Where the hell are you JJ? Where've you been?

Mr roT said...

Busy as hell. Just watched the first couple. Wonderful finds, MFT.