Friday, December 01, 2006

Gutting missile defense

So, AA, you still think it won't make a difference who's running the show? Hey, may as well elect Pepe, and see how fast we'll surrender!


Tecumseh said...

In 1992 a space-based system that could perform this task known as Brilliant Pebbles was being developed by the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization [SDIO]. It was canceled by Les Aspin, Clinton’s first Secretary of Defense, who claimed that he was “taking the Stars out of Star Wars.” Aspin also imposed drastic cuts to the long term missile defense science and technology research budget, cuts from which that part of the program has never really recovered.

Aahhh, the memories...

Arelcao Akleos said...

The idea of "no difference" was, for '94, with a strong republican congress to keep an uncaring John Kerry in whatever check his party's dispositions would require [Remember, Kerry was so uncomfortable with contending with the Iraq issue that he offered McCain the Vice Presidency candicay with the condition that, if JM accepted, he would be in command of US policy and conduct of the Iraq War and WOT in general. In retrospect, I wonder if JM doesn't regret his refusal of that offer. Although it was a principled refusal] /
It was not a claim that it made no difference before, or after. Clinton was a horror show were our policy seemed to be one big firesale of technological goodies for the FOB seeking their Ubi Mea. Today we have a Nancy Pelosi who was barely dissuaded of putting in the thug Alcee Hastings in charge of Intelligence and who, it seems, is now claiming Iraq to be an Al Qaeda Free Zone [she must be the pseudo AntiPepe. He sees only Al Qaeda. She sees never Al Qaeda. "Pseudo" because both wish to delimit the WOT to "Al Qaeda". Note that, in this sense, Pepe is actually "to the right" of Nancy. But this is a Shame whose stain he will surely wash away in one good night of atonement on Bourbon Street.]

Arelcao Akleos said...

Sorry, not '94, obviously, but 2004.

Tecumseh said...

All right, good explanation, AA. I'll stop picking on you on this account, but it's slim pickings on who to pick on nowadays, with JJ gone back to goat schasing (??) and Pepe just popping in-and-out now and then. We need a controversy of some sort to fire up the creative juices, don't we?

Arelcao Akleos said...

That's true, AI,...we had asked, nay, begged, Pepe to bring in like minded komrades to pinch hit for him now and then. But it seems he likes to keep us his dirty little secret.
Is it already the moment for JJ and the cool touch of wet mountain goat? How time passes.....
Perhaps we can pick on MFThustra and his North Dakota of Three Dimensions?.......
I don't know, AI, give me about 5 days to see if I can conjure up a long lost twin of antiparallel views

My Frontier Thesis said...

Minor note for AI and AA: North Dakota is only one dimension in December, and that dimension, as of now, at noon today, is a 15 below windchill.

I guess my swearing as I walk into the fresh Yukon "breeze" gives it a bit more dimension, but again, I'll leave that to you guys to model it mathematically.