Monday, December 04, 2006

Limbaugh Meets His Pepe

Great Louisianan Yankee Hating Minds are a precious thing to waste. [I had to put a pic of William Tecumseh to go with this piece, could not pass the occasion! -- AI]


My Frontier Thesis said...

Um, yes, state's rights to keep that "peculiar" little institution. As you mentioned in a previous post: never underestimate ideologues and romantics in the face of what the historical evidence actually suggests.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Nice work on the pic, AI. Nice work indeed.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yes, AI, there's just something Shermanesque about ol Sherman which Abe, no matter how tough he was, just did not have the face for [although Grant could come fairly close to Sherman, at times]

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA, you're right: there's just no messin' around with a grin like that.