Friday, December 01, 2006

Meanwhile, As Pepe Boogeys, Spain has its Back to the Future

The article is in the comment's section. From an article by Aaron Hanscomb


Arelcao Akleos said...

"It’s worth taking a closer look at Spain to assess the validity of Peters’ Eurabia-as-myth thesis. With the average Spanish woman having 1.32 children and the average Muslim unwilling to renounce the increasingly loud calls for the Islamic reconquest of Spain, the country’s future is in great jeopardy. Indeed, the process of repossessing land that is viewed as illegitimately occupied is well underway.

In his book The Jihad in Spain: The obsession to reconquer Al-Ándalus, Spanish politician Gustavo de Arístegui describes the policy of the “foot in the threshold,” which is a clearly designed strategy to reconquer land that was once under the domain of Islam. Patience and determination are the prerequisites for success: Before the reconquest of the entire country can take place, it is first necessary to conquer neighborhoods, towns, cities, provinces and regions—in that order.

Arístegui details how Muslims in Spain are buying land, houses and businesses in the cities most emblematic of Al-Ándalus. Captured Al-Qaeda leader Mustafa Setmariam, who lived in Granada for two years, has verified Arístegui’s claim. He described in detail to the Spanish National Police the activities of the Moroccan radical organization Justice and Charity in the Spanish town of Tecla: “They have a plan of obtaining Spanish nationality, buying houses and goods and having children. Many of them are married to Spaniards and all of it is done with the goal of conquering the town in any possible way.”

This goal is also evident in Albaicín, a prominent neighborhood in Granada. Interviews with Muslims living in Albaicín reveal a group all but convinced that Spain will belong to them in the future. In recent interviews conducted by the Spanish television station Telecinco, many Muslims stated that because they had been able to conquer Albaicín they would now be able to conquer Granada and then all of Al-Ándalus. An Imam of a mosque in Albaicín who was profiled on a National Public Radio program last year predicted that all of historic Al-Ándalus would become Muslim again. As he explained, “Islam is resurgent from within the land.”

Meanwhile, less than 20 percent of Spaniards declare themselves to be practicing Roman Catholics; that’s down from 98 percent fifty years ago. So while mosques and madrasahs are popping up across Spain, the Catholic Church is being forced to close monasteries and convents. It doesn’t help matters that Spain’s Socialist government saw no problem in canceling the reintroduction of compulsory religious classes while later financing the publication of a textbook for Muslim first graders to learn about Islam. Spain’s leading archbishop, Cardinal Antonio María Rouco, is understandably concerned about the future: “Some people wish to place us in the year 711," he has said. "It seems as if we are meant to wipe ourselves out of history."

Indeed, it is the self-destruction of European civilization that should most concern doubters like Ralph Peters. Instead, in his article he writes that he has “no difficulty imagining a scenario in which U.S. Navy ships are at anchor and U.S. Marines have gone ashore at Brest, Bremerhaven or Bari to guarantee the safe evacuation of Europe’s Muslims.” Were that ever to occur, however, the US would most likely be rescuing Muslims from the hands of other Muslims, intent on imposing their unforgiving brand of Islamic Shari’a law. A report issued last month claims that Islamic Sharia law is gaining an increasing foothold in parts of Britain. In his book Islam in Britain, Patrick Sookhdeo, director of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, writes, “Sharia courts now operate in larger cities, with different sectarian and ethnic groups operating their own courts that cater to their specific needs according to their traditions"

Tecumseh said...

Hey, where's the reference to my "Ralph Peters on meth" post? Oh well, can't search on this blog, so I'll give up.

But yes, good rejoinder to the Pepe-Peters line. But alas, I don't think anyone can budge such people by even a millimeter from their PC certainties. The closing of the lefty-liberal mind is total, no light or reason can penetrate it, or escape from it, for that matter.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yes, should have reference your Peter's Madness in his Meth post. But, since it wasn't my writing, it being Aaron's, I got lazy and just quoted. Honori Qui Mal Y Pense

My Frontier Thesis said...

Start reading your For Whom the Bell Tolls and Homage to Catalonia fellahs.