Monday, December 04, 2006

Self-Appointed Deep-Thinker Opines

Maybe someone already posted this. There's so much being posted lately, I have no opportunity to read half of what's going on. Also, the conversations seem to be getting dispersed, being pushed down the page in this great antiintuitive downdraft of hot air.


Arelcao Akleos said...

No one posted this until now, although we are eager for you to tell us what you discovered on that antiintutive blast of hot air trip you mentioned

Arelcao Akleos said...

By the way, there is a quiz for you below, after the Scot Eriugena piece

Arelcao Akleos said...

Perhaps self-apointed, but then MSM appointed deepthinkery gives us Fiske....Much of what he says is good commonsense, and some is hightly debatable or left ambiguous [for instance, letting sunni and shiite clobber each other has some merit, but why should this include abandoning the Kurds? Or allowing the wholesale slaughter of those who supported us in Iraq? ].