Friday, December 01, 2006

Tolerance in the Most Tolerant of Nations Within the Most Tolerant and Loving and Peaceful of All Religions

Can't get more tolerant than that


My Frontier Thesis said...

AA, a little digression: did you see the scores are in?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, yes, I got a glorious 73%. If only I had listened to that little voice within that kept whispering "Ragnar, Ragnar, Ragnar!". Heck, I coulda been an 80%.
But am disappointed AI and JJ did not take a shot at it. It's kinda hard to carry out statistical analysis on a sample of two.
Oh well, at least my humiliation did not come before a live audience on Jeapordy.

Tecumseh said...

Sorry, guys -- my mind was just not to it. And besides, my Western Civ arcana are not up to par nowadays, I would need some boning up before taking the plunge.

Just one question -- without looking up, there was a question about Roman baths. Could it be the answer was Nero? I was just walking towards some tower (kind of leaning) a few weeks ago, and I passed by some ruins saying "Nero's baths". Just wondering...

My Frontier Thesis said...

AI, I don't know about Nero building any baths, but I'm by no means an expert when it comes to Ancient Roman bath construction.

Caracalla built some baths (the answer to the question), but was it he or Calligula who appointed their horse to the Senate?...

Arelcao Akleos said...

Caligula did the horsie thing. Tiberus did the Grotto thing. Nero did the bath and fire thing. Commodus did the "damn the genetics, full speed ahead, Sister" thing...To each Roman Emperor Pervert, His Own Thing