Sunday, December 03, 2006

Well, she's at least got a point...

Perhaps it's my geographic locale, but it is difficult to have casual conversation in America where the question "So where do you work these days?" or "How much does that pay?" doesn't come up, almost immediately, always invariably. It is rude. Yet Yanks can be blunt. As they say: America is the best place to make money if you want to make money.


Tecumseh said...

Sorry, MFT, you were beaten to the punch by AA on this one.

Now, as to the substance: I dunno, I think it also depends who you're talking to in the good ole US of A. I know many people who almost never talk about money. Eg, JJ -- he doesn't know what that is. Also, he doesn't know what driving a car is. How many SD's away from the mean is that?

My Frontier Thesis said...

You're right, AI. I'll most-respectfully concede to AA on this one.

Yes, it does depend on who you're talking to. I can't say how many SDs JJ might be from the mean. But I'll bet the lot of us are pretty friggin' "weird" by the norm (at least at 27, I feel that way — in a good way though — around folks in my demographic).

Tecumseh said...

So what's the mean and SD in this context? What exactly are we measuring? Hey, let's be precise. We need a study!!

My Frontier Thesis said...

AI, we always need another study. I liked that one about how chicks finding talking more euphoric than men. It's scientific proofs like that that you can hold up to chicks when you want a moment of silence.