Tuesday, June 26, 2007


This is kind of a puff-piece regarding Hitchens, but still entertaining.

Hitchens is Hunter S. Thompson cut with Gore Vidal, has broken America – as Vanity Fair columnist and a pop-up TV pundit – without even chipping his minor public school vowels. Some believe he is the one contemporary journalist who will still be read in 50 years’ time, the worthiest claimant to the title heir to Orwell... Hitchens is never far below boiling point. He is an evangelical secularist, an atheist warlord. Religion, he writes, is “violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and tribalism and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children”.

Hitchens, don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.

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