Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Joys of Karlie

Pepe is waiting, with breath abated.


My Frontier Thesis said...

If I would've chosen Marxists as friends during my undergrad, and if I would've spouted the rhetoric in my essays (rather than a polyvariant cause-and-effect Braudel kind of interpretation), I sometimes wonder if I'd likely have a full graduate Ivy League Ride right now.

Tecumseh said...

For sure. That's the ticket, man.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Well, MFT, it also would have helped not to have written Letters to the Editor [ :) ].
When CC and I saw that letter, we had a conversation wich went something like this [but expressed more politely, as Goils were there, and without the anachronisms]:
"Padre CC: He's got balls.
Wrecker AA: Or he was drunk. The Kid's fucked; he just doesn't know it yet.
Padre CC: This University is full of cockksuckers, this writer is no cocksucker.
Wrecker AA: What's his Major? History? Bet the Kid's going to get reamed by his Profs like Liberace caught in an Angola lockdown.
Padre CC: I hope he has friends. He's going to need some friends.
Wrecker AA: Bah! At this pisspool of Leftwing cant? Where's he going to find friends now? He's fucked.
Padre CC: AA, I've already contacted him. We can be the Samaritan to this Prodigal.
Wrecker AA: Hmmm [rereading the letter]. The Kid writes real well, sounds like a real smart guy, coulda been a contender, coulda gone to Hahvahd.
Padre CC: So, we meet him. Right? He's someone who is not blinded by Baal, someone who is capable of walking the path of Maranatha.
Wrecker AA: How do you know the Kid's got religion? He sounds like he still believes in The University. Bet ya he still imagines that intelligence and Reason and careful argument- well expressed and cogently sructured--are the measure of Intellectual Man. He has no idea of the shit the Commutards are gonna try to pour down his throat now.
Padre CC: Which is why we have to be there for him, if he wants, AA. We cannot deny him.
Wrecker AA: He's UberFucked now,CC. His Prof's maybe still hold he can be "reeducated", but they see him with us, The Counter Revolutionary and The Cross, he's gonna be lucky to eke out his days teaching at a community college in the Tejas Panhandle.
Padre CC: [Buuurrppp] Fine stuff, that Guiness.So we go for it?
Wrecker AA: At least the Kid will die with a Budweiser Ale clutched in his hand "

So, MFT, my most sincere apologies.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Well, MFT, it also would have helped not to have written Letters to the Editor.

So much for the free exchange of ideas, an ethos at my undergraduate outset I was told the university endorsed and protected, no matter the ideology. Hilarious, yes? So it goes, so it goes.

Still defiant, just a little more in tune with Ben Franklin style diplomacy.

Arelcao Akleos said...

At least, today, they are more honest. I'm told by some undergraduates at local schools here that incoming students are told outright that Political Correctness is something they must respect and adhere to.
Had you been told that, you could have played the game with full cynical clarity as to what was at stake. Fools like me would still have ended up in the trash-heap of History... But you, MFT, you coulda been a Contender!
[well, you still can, but now it's "The Natural" and not "Paper Chase"]

My Frontier Thesis said...

...and, might I add, a pleasure to read the anachronisms (or sans) of you and Padre CC. Especially while in this infinite that we know the universe to be.