Monday, December 21, 2009

Ace goes off his happy pills


Tecumseh said...

A non-scientific poll, followed by a put-us-out-of-our-misery-already comment:

President Soetoro Senator Burr Representative Jones Hagan, I support America's immediate adoption of the European Union's constitution. Under no circumstances do I believe this is in the best interest of the United States of America, but I hate long, painful, slow deaths. When we hear about the loss of a loved one we normally ask, "Did they go quickly?" with a preference for quick deaths due to the lack of extended pain and suffering. At this point in America's history I feel the same way. With the announcement Saturday of Senator Ben Nelson's support for socialized health care and knowing Hagan was never a hope for a hold out, the first thing that came to my mind was "there's no going back". Over the next 2-4 years tens of government agencies will spring up with tens of thousands of new government employees to manage this monster called government mandated health care. And we will almost immediately start leaking money like storm water through a drainpipe. Congress and the White House will immediately push for more. Before the decade is out Congress and the White House will be pushing for full blown single payer government health care to "save" health care. They'll have no choice. Bottom line: Whether it's the current health care package or next Spring's cap and trade bill, at least one will be approved and the long, slow, painful death of America will begin. Why make us suffer? Just go on and switch us over to the EU constitution and all of their European restrictions, taxes and suffering and get it over with. I don't think we could emotionally survive the upcoming change. Sincerely, NC Voter Capt, USMC, Ret

Mr roT said...

I don't believe the CNN poll. Everyone is against this bill in the news, from Howard Dean to Ace.

Tecumseh said...

You don't believe in Pravda? Try Izvestyia.