Monday, March 08, 2010

Massa's side of the story

Massa going to pull down the Dems with him like Scozzafava?
Ace wins all headline wars. Jeez this is scurillous genius.
REGURGE: Is Rahm going to be Beck and Breitbart's next scalp? Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, but I would rather they go after the lefties than the moderates. I guess from their point of view, anything that weakens the WH is a good thing. Perhaps, but I doubt it.
An old post of ours.
REGURGE: AllahPundit throws in his 2 cents. --tecs


Tecumseh said...

VCP. On pink ice.

Mr roT said...

Forget it buddy. My link is from AoS, not HuffPo. If you can't tell the difference, you're in deep shit, in addition to deep VCP debt.

Pay up.

Tecumseh said...

Different link, same story. By all means, a regurge. Pay up.

Tecumseh said...

Down the memory lane: in happier times, Massa addresses Pepe & co.

Tecumseh said...

Rahming it through: "Let me tell you a story about Rahm Emanuel," Massa started. "I was a congressman in my first eight weeks, and I was in the congressional gym, and I went down and I worked out and I went into the showers...I'm sitting there showering, naked as a jaybird and here comes Rahm Emanuel not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, poking his finger in my chest, yelling at me because I wasn't going to vote for the president's budget. Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man?”

Tecumseh said...

Reaction from Ukraine (on Politico):
I love this. This is proof positive that the Democrats with eat their own to attain idealogical goals. Lenin and Stalin would be proud. Come to think of it, Stalin would have made a good ward boss in Chicago. It's bit over the top sayinhg Rahm is the Devils baby...but maybe Stalin's.

Posted By: Mike in Kyiv

Mr roT said...

Where are these quotes coming from, Prof Biden?

Tecumseh said...

As I said, Politico. How do you say, "click on things" in Ukrainian?

Mr roT said...

Ah. Silly of me.

Tecumseh said...

Link from Ace: tales of Massa's follies in the Navy. All covered up, of course.

Mr roT said...

I couldn't read that guy's kiss and tell hearsay. If Massa was third in command on a ship and he didn't get thrown out of the Navy for misconduct, then he's a good enough guy to be the Rep of some little upstate dump.

If they let fruits in the Navy, then they should let fruits in the House and I don't see anyone going after Barney Frank in the WH.

That part that caught my eye about Massa being a carpetbagger was annoying too.

Mr roT said...

OK, perhaps I was too rough on this weird guy, but it seems very possible to make up all that crap. Ace has some good stuff and rants better than anyone, but he also posts a lot of shit. Look at the first item here. Seems totally made up. A high tenured professor?? WTF is that? If you know someone like that, you know what those guys are called.

Like everyone knows that position is held by none other than Prof Alz.

Mr roT said...

Incidentally, I don't really doubt either story....

Tecumseh said...

C'mon, Herr Rot, these are blogs, thriving on political gossip. What do you want--Thucydides? And remember--knuckledraggers are more likely to get it right in such stories than high-fallutin' orotund pedants. Isn't that your generic point, after all? Or are you distancing yourself from your own philosophy now?

Mr roT said...

In media stat virtus, eh? Both those guys look like creeps making up stuff. Your Mormon guys even more. Why is it we should believe that they were really on the same ship, and ended up in the same congressional district, this guy kept quiet for years (he pains to explain) and this guy happens to sell religious books he writes through the website on which he attracts traffic by writing inflammatory stuff about Massa.

Here's another angle: Isn't it better to take Massa's story and get Rahm out of the way...?

So much for media virtus...

Tecumseh said...

Hmmm.. Let them sort it out themselves. But, by general principles, it makes sense that there would have been previous instances of this sort of behavior -- didn't just come out of the blue at a drunken party (otherwise, Massa would have been much more inclined to duke it out, no?) Have you herd that song -- In The Navy? Put that in your pipe and smoke it.