Saturday, December 04, 2010

Lowering the bar

From comments: Palin is a blank slate onto which all sorts of different people are projecting their own dreams. She's very much like (pre-election) Obama in that respect.


My Frontier Thesis said...

I read this,

So she [Palin] may decide to settle for being a beloved, world-historical figure like TR...,

...and then nearly sprayed beer all over (took a sip just before getting to that sentence) the monitor.

Tecumseh said...

That's a good one! Yes, I was waiting for a reaction about this little gem, but AA & Rot have gone dormant on me, so glad to see at least you picked on it.

My Frontier Thesis said...

It's an apt article, telling the GOP how they need to act about Palin: you must not vote for her, and you must NEVER criticize her.

I've been out of the loop for a while (these things tend to happen). Did this Palin piece by Vanity Fair get circulated? I'll leap you to the conclusion:

Those who once felt close to Palin have followed her public transformation with a confused range of emotions. The common denominator is sadness. “People who loved Sarah Palin are disappointed,” said one woman in Wasilla, “because they found out that Sarah Palin loves Sarah Palin most of all.” I remembered that remark every time I drove past the Palins’ property. The entrance runs through a grove of birch trees, at least eight of which have NO TRESPASSING signs nailed to them.

Mr roT said...

VF piece was savaged even by Scrobamites.