Saturday, April 16, 2011

Palin tearin it up

She gave a hell of a speech.
REGURGE for speech video.


Tecumseh said...

What's this about? Videos of the Madison Capitol? C'mon, Rot, try to make your posts more exciting.

Mr roT said...

I watched her speech. It was a bomb.

Tecumseh said...

It looks better in print than in the screechy rendition. I think my accent is better than Palin's. Hah!

Mr roT said...

Your speech would've consisted of saying "Romney didn't bug me much when he was governor of Massachusetts."

Tecumseh said...

He don't bug me, I don't bug him. What's wrong with that? Then again, I'm not running around not doing anything, like these guys.

Mr roT said...

Palin gave a fantastic speech.

Tecumseh said...

She back in the game? I thought Bachmann kind of replaced her, no?

Mr roT said...

Yeah, she was laying low. Allahpundit says since Giffords...

Seems that there's been a bounce in quality if not in voice production. I had never before been able to listen to her, much preferring her posts on facebook.

Previously, the constant "America" in her speeches turned me off, though like AA, I always thought that she was arguing her points better and more directly than anyone.

This speech does that, as usual, but didn't get hung up on who we are and all that BS as much as putting the WI fight in context.

She's absolutely right. They won that beachhead and it's not a particularly hospitable one.

She also went after Obama very well. I think it's the best campaign speech I have heard in a while.

Tecumseh said...

OK, I managed to listen to the speech. If you somehow can tune out the screechy voice, and just listen to the words, it's good, you're right. Plenty of oompf.

Tecumseh said...

Reuters is sort of impressed.