Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tecs' favorite NRO loose cannon apologizes

...and says,"but I was really right. It's just this war and that lying son of a bitch Johnson and...."


Tecumseh said...

This is far too long. Can you summarize?

Tecumseh said...

Worse and worse.

Mr roT said...

Really? Uh, I guess you're seeing docs...

Or are you wearing yourself out with work?

Tecumseh said...

No docs. Just wearing myself out.

Mr roT said...

Relax, man. Come hang out. I'll get you a Stelze and a couple beers.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Tecumseh, before you go off to Rotterland, to keep your spirits up while the docs check you out, let me treat you to some grub in Cambridge [Chinese?]. Say, next week? [Have the week off, so maybe one day can swing into the Hub].