Thursday, April 07, 2011

Those stinking peasants and their petty complaints

Let them eat biofuel.


Mr roT said...

Shillin for GM

Arelcao Akleos said...

Just, Fucking, Wow. AmeriSoc is All Pravda All Da Time.

"If the press reported it, the retort would prove rather embarrassing — which may be why the Associated Press scrubbed it from their coverage of the event. A search for “If you’re complaining about the price of gas and you’re only getting 8 miles a gallon” turned up 26 hits last night at 7:15 pm ET, most of them Associated Press links or links to their affiliates. In each of those, the quote was removed in later editing, which the Bing archiving had yet to clear:"

Tecumseh said...

Taranto leads with story--but evidently, not because Rot fed it to him (he musta pushed some other two-bit story of his).

Upshot: Both Mr T & Mr Rot owe me a VCP.