Saturday, April 09, 2011

You Have To Win

Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell don't do the trick, but neither does Scott Brown.
This is what winning looks like. And this and this.
You chip away, a little at a time, always looking reasonable and never like this former heartthrob of AA's. That's how conservatives can move democracies.


Arelcao Akleos said...

In this last month the US national debt increased by 54 billion. The magnificent "win" Rotter believes has been achieved is swamped by that alone.
In the last two years our debt has increased by 4 trillion.
This past month the US Government payed out ten times, yes, 10 times, what it took in.
Our economy is miserable on all fronts but Government employment.
Our "war on terror" is a complete and utter shambles, and we are now waiting only for that moment we will declare "Win" and trail back home, with victory in the hands of our enemies and a country much weaker than it was 10 years ago.
And Rotter is telling us that when our side wins elections the proper course is to show our prowess by sneaking an extra sandwich from the tray, laugh at the chef for how we showed him what's what, and declare "Win".

If Reagan or Gingrich had taken this as "Win", the Soviet Union would be congratulating Comrade Obama for his magnificent ackowledgement of Socialism, and the 1994 passage of a National Health System would already be at the active and unhidden Death Panel stage.

I do not think Win is what you think it means.

Mr roT said...

Reagan would have doubled spending and called it a win. Gingrich would have guaranteed 4 more years of Obama and called it principle.

Put on your party hat and pull for Kerry-McCain.