Saturday, June 02, 2007

After AQ, trinidadian terror is looming

oh, but why do they hate us so ?


Arelcao Akleos said...

Pepe is more than idiot enough not to knoe these men are muslim. He is idiot enough not to know about the sharp rise of Muslim conversion in the last decade throughout the Caribbean, particularly in the "anglophonic" isles. He is sufficiently idiot enough yet to have "forgotten", as ever, about the massive Saudi funding of schools and mosques throughout that part of the world.
In other words, when it comes to Idiocy our D of PP is King.
Why do they hate us so? Perhaps because the Quran tells the Believer to hate Kufr and idiots

Tecumseh said...

The airport worker, Russell Defreitas, 63, through the assistance of the member of Parliament, Abdul Kadir, was in the process of seeking the financial backing and blessing of a Trinidadian terrorist group, Jamaat Al Muslimeen.

What part of "Trinidadian terrorist group, Jamaat Al Muslimeen" confuses Pepe? Ah, forget it. By definition, being on the Left means being perpetually confused about things -- and proud of it.

Reminds me of that old Hara Kiri column in Le Canard Enchaîné: bête et méchant.

The Darkroom said...

That is very observant of you aa. Are you really sure that Jamaat Al Muslimeen is a muslim group ? and that kadir, Kareem Ibrahim and Abdel Nur are muslims ? Good thing you are such an erudite: one would have naturally assumed they belonged to Aum Shinrikyo.
If there is anything more annoying than a coward, i's a pompous one.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Now Pepe hides his Idiocy behind a skirt. In the dark no one can see how small both his heads are

Tecumseh said...

If there is anything more annoying than a coward, i[t]'s a pompous one.

You said it, buster. Good to see you're making some self-criticisms. Your pomposity in denying the obvious, coupled with your cowardice in (usually) owning up to the constant bloopers you make in analyzing events from your unicolor prism (said color being pink, of course), is unmistakable.