Sunday, June 03, 2007

Why does Putin hate Europe?

"What kind of steps are we going to take in response? Of course, we are going to get new targets in Europe." Time for the French to wring their hands, and ask probing, deeply introspective questions as to what on Earth might they have done to provoke Pooty's wrath. Time to get on all fours and beg for mercy. Or perhaps, pooh-pooh the whole thing as just some Molotov-cocktail rattling? Dilemmas, dilemmas.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Not sure what Sarkozy will do, but if it was a Chirac or Mitterand in there would bet on a quiet bit of "nuanced and sophistacated" begging for a modest exchange of oil vouchers for a recovered appreciation of the arts of appeasement

Tecumseh said...

By the way, is Kouchner any better than Vile Pine & the gang? He seemed decent enough when it came to humanitarian concerns, but when it comes to dealing with the Capo di Tutti Cappi, my hunch is that he's beyond his depth.

Tecumseh said...

Wiki's take:

The French spelling of Putin's last name, "Poutine" is identical to the name of a French-Canadian fast-food dish.

The Portuguese pronounciation of Putin's last name is much similar to the diminutive of the word puto, whose slang meaning is irritated. President Lula of Brazil said once that, upon hearing the news that Brazilian slaughterhouses were bribing Russian authorities to be allowed to export meat to that country, "certainly President Putin was kind of putin with Brazil."

Pepe le Pew said...

the other super-wacko is escalating dubbyah's misguided atempt at missile presence in europe in our backyard? this is not good.
unlike aq, the ruskies can do real damage.

Tecumseh said...

But you still haven't answered my question: what are the Euros gonna do, besides wring their hands?

Pepe le Pew said...

nothing is a good guess.

Pepe le Pew said...

the two morons playing chicken at europe's expense is really bad news. but as troubling as it is, this is a problem that will likely vanish with the upcoming change of the american guard.

Mr roT said...

Right. We'll get another "only true democrat" like Putin in the WH if you have anything to say about it, Pepe.

Pepe le Pew said...

i won't have anything to say about it, but a democrat is less likely to want to plant missiles in europe - the catalyst in this confrontation.