Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm starting to feel bad for Obama

I mean, OK, I totally disagree with his politics. But what's wrong with being a wimp? Aren't we all? I'd rather have a Papa Bush-like wimp than a Lioness of Tuzla harridan hectoring me day and night. Come to think of it, even the pussy-footing Jean-Francois Mac looks better.


Tecumseh said...

Counterpoint: For six weeks, Obama's biggest supporters have diligently argued that to so much as mention Wright is in effect racist. We're talking about Mac?

Tecumseh said...

Parting line: "God damn Jeremiah Wright? No, no, no: God bless Jeremiah Wright!"

Mr roT said...

Real support jumping ship?

Tecumseh said...

JJ: I readily confess, I did not see Obama's press conference, and only read snippets of what he actually said. So sue me. What do you think I am -- a political junkie? No, no, no. But I like to be counter-cyclical. When you were meekly following the Mac party line, which held that any and all criticism of the Obama-Wright connection was below the belt and verboten, I was fearlessly marching up San Juan Hill. Now that everyone and his brother is piling up, I'm feeling for the poor guy, and am willing to give him a break. Me not kick a man when he's down, only when he's up and fighting, fair and square.

Mr roT said...

Nice deliberate misinterpretation, AI. McCain has to keep very much away from character assessments and stick to issues and pretend to scold others for doing otherwise.

I, on the other hand am free to call Wright equivalent to a klansman and, by extension, call Obama a 'kill whitey' howler in his church pews.

BTW, you know Bach's St John's Passion?

Tecumseh said...

JJ, JJ -- you always try to squirm out of it like Houdini. Just to change gears, take a look at IowaHawk.

Mr roT said...

IA is great.