Saturday, December 20, 2008

Obamacles Goes Gorebal Warming

The Harvard maestros of atmospheric lysenkoism will rule us all, and through Bad Science the nirvana of Big Brother's Government shall be built. Hail Planet Pepe, Allahu Akhbar, behold the Radiant Future.


Mr roT said...

VCP with a better title.

Tecumseh said...

OK, VCP for JJ on this one, but AA's title is better. And he has pics.

The Darkroom said...

scientists from LBL and harvard... couldn't he find experienced tarot readers to opine on these topics instead ?

Tecumseh said...

More: "From landing on the moon, to sequencing the human genome, to inventing the Internet, America has been the first to cross that new frontier because we had leaders who paved the way," Mr. Obama said in announcing his selections. Hmmm... Is he talking about Algore? I thought Tim Berners-Lee was the "father of the Internet", non?

Mr roT said...

Charles, these guys aren't scientists anymore.

Arelcao Akleos said...

They are Al Goreans now.