Friday, November 05, 2010

Coulter channels AA

Tea Party candidates like Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell were bad for the Republican Party. Au contraire! Every Republican who won a tightly contested election should be sending a thank-you note to Angle and O'Donnell for taking all the fire from the mainstream media and keeping the heat off of them.

OK, OK, will do that. As long as der Rotter picks up the tab. The tab. Counterpoint: a more reasoned post-mortem.


Mr roT said...

Coulter is spot-on.

Tecumseh said...

Especially with comments like this:

Republicans had the ideal Connecticut candidate in Rob Simmons, who lost the primary to McMahon. He had won in liberal districts before, was a graduate of Haverford College and Harvard University, was an Army colonel who served in Vietnam and teaches at Yale. He also never kicked a man in the groin for entertainment. But Simmons didn't have McMahon's money, so Republicans went with McMahon.