Monday, November 08, 2010

Sarah gets the issue right. Again.


Tecumseh said...

Mrs. Palin also exhibited a more sophisticated knowledge of monetary policy than any major Republican this side of Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan.

Hmmm... Didn't I just say that I like Ryan better than O'Donnell or la Palin? I think this is worth a six pack of hoppy beer. (No way to find anything hoppy in the backwoods of Canuckia.)

Tecumseh said...

Mrs. Palin is way ahead of her potential Presidential competitors on this policy point, and she shows a talent for putting a technical subject in language that average Americans can understand.

Don't let the dollar equal the zimbabwean dollar-- you'd think even knuckledragging Neanderthals could understand this concept?

Mr roT said...

Don't say it that way or you're rathith.

Tecumseh said...

All right, all right. Don't let the US dollar equal the zloty -- how's that, Herr PC Arbiter?

Mr roT said...

Now pollish joaks!