Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tecs and Rot on the Coanda sleigh

I am at the wheel, of course. Wouldn't trust der Rotter with the jet engine. He's just sitting there, in the snowmobile, seething.


Tecumseh said...

Wisconsinites experimented with over-snow vehicles before 1900, trying bicycles on runners with gripping fins, steam-propelled sleighs and later Model T Fords converted with rear tractor treads and skis in front. In the first races held near Three Lakes in 1926, 104 of these "snowbuggies" started. Carl Eliason of Sayner developed the prototype of the modern snowmobile in 1924 when he mounted a small gasoline-powered marine engine on a long toboggan, steered with skis under the front and driven by a rear, single, endless track. Patented in 1926, Eliason made 40 snowmobiles.

Pffftt... Carl was beaten to the punch by Coanda by some 15 years.

And what, gas-powered snowmobile? C'mon, Rot, this is retarded. You heard of the jet engine, haven't you?

Mr roT said...

Looks dangerous...

Mr roT said...

With a name like Marie...

Arelcao Akleos said...

Herr Rott is a natural as the apprehensive sidekick. Apparently Tecumseh's madcap Coanda skillz scares the bejesus outa him.

Tecumseh said...

It's the natural result of all that time spent in fancy Kaffeeklatsches talking about gerbes of bundles. Chill out, Enrique Maria.