Friday, January 19, 2007

Chilling effect

The pinko-lefties always rant and rave about the supposed Karl-Rovian (or whatnot) plots to destroy freedom-of-the-press-as-we-know-it. But when something like this happens, their (predictable) silence is deafening.


Arelcao Akleos said...

The left doesn't give a damn about freedom of speech, as is clear from any extended stay in a current North American university. The left cares only for its right to indoctrination be undisturbed by the unruly mouths of counterrevolutionaries.
As for this poor chap, unless someone can point a skein of coincidences leading to its being Michael Moored as a Bush-Neocon-Cabal operation, his death will only emphasize that the grave is a fine and quiet place.

Tecumseh said...

Wiki has details on the chill-out. How would Michael Moore interpret the shout of the killer? It's an exercise for you guys.