Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Perils of cell phones, CXXVIII

Luis Picaso tries to imitate JJ, with mixed success: the cell phone in Picaso's pants pocket set fire to his nylon and polyester clothes." Hey, he should wear those Dolce & Cabana space suits JJ fancies, instead. Nothing like asbestos underwear to keep the family jewels safe from dastardly cell phones.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Wow... this happened in Cali too. The guy's phone has to be off the hook with calls from lawyers.

I can't afford one of the Italian designer space suits yet, so I just keep my cell phone out of my pocket and on my desk. The fire extinguisher is just around the corner too.

Tecumseh said...

Better still: just don't bother with cell phones. They also fry your brain, and besides, they almost never work (except for JJ). I only trust landlines.

My Frontier Thesis said...

...hmmmm. AI, we haven't had a JJ sighting in quite some time. After reading this article, I wonder if he hasn't moved his base of operations from the Italian mountains to the west coast of Cali? I mean, c'mon, some guy's pants start on fire due to a cell-phone... sounds like the paper had another name misprint. We really know what happened, the likely result of another two gallons of Fullers within the span of two hours.