Thursday, April 17, 2008

How come pinkos always make more money than I do?


Pepe le Pew said...

Because american society values their contribution more than yours ?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Is Obama gonna get the $600 rebate, too? That's about one night at the bar for JJ, right?

Tecumseh said...

Pepe: could be, could be. But what do pinkos do, besides talking & talking about how great they are at taking the little money I make and giving it to someone else? Do they actually ever build a better mousetrap, or prove something?

Pepe le Pew said...

If anything qualifies as a storm in a glass of water, that'd be it.

Pepe le Pew said...

Do they actually ever build a better mousetrap, or prove something?

Is the use of the term "ever" a challenge to find just one liberal inventor / mathematician ? You can't be serious.

Tecumseh said...

I'm talking about the pinkos from the chattering classes (politicians, media, actors, shysters, the works). As in the subject of this post (BHO & Michelle) -- those for which the pinko ideology is the basis on which they make a living (and oftentimes a fortune), not those for which this is incidental.

Pepe le Pew said...

Oh yeah. But that statement is good for the entire political class.

Tecumseh said...

Yes. But at least the non-pinkos don't pretend to be "tribunes of the people", and all that pseudo-marxist drivel that birkenstockers mouth to mask their true colors.

Pepe le Pew said...

pseudo-marxist drivel that birkenstockers mouth to mask their true colors.

actually you hear hill speak nowadays & you'd think she's dubbyah in drag: it's all about profound respect for the second amendment and faith. Who's she fooling talking like a right-wing nut? And who's going to vote for her ? The right wing nuts ? I don't think so. The pinkos ? Not after this bullshit. She a goner.

Arelcao Akleos said...

If Hillary was Dubbyah in Drag, Pepe would be down on that.