Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Molotov cocktails

So what is the correct Pepean reaction:

(1) Don't worry, be happy.
(2) Ah, so what -- it's just a bunch of stoopid Ricains.
(3) DC ain't Versailles, so who cares.
(4) Swell -- it's chickens coming home to roost.
(5) Naahh -- it's just a Bush-Halliburton-Cheney-neocon-KKK-redneck conspiracy.
(7) All the above


Arelcao Akleos said...

The proper Planet Pepe stance is to curse the Yanks for having come up with yet another way to inflict Global Warming on the innocents of this Earth

The Darkroom said...

I say let's totally freak out on this hypothetical. My neighbor ran out of razor blades before halloween last year and I feel spiritually empty without my annual dose of baseless alarmism.

Pepe le Pew said...

Shit, ai. You can worry all you want about green monsters abducting you & taking you away on their spaceships while you're at it. But as much as it may disappoint you, the head hackers aren't even close to having the technology to do that.
Now NK is another story.

Tecumseh said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have you read the article, Pepe? Here are some relevant excerpts, just in case you have trouble clicking on things, or getting past the title:

"It's inevitable," said Cham E. Dallas, director of the Institute for Health Management and Mass Destruction Defense at the University of Georgia.

Ashton B. Carter, co-director of the Preventive Defense Project at Harvard University, said the likelihood of a nuclear attack on U.S. soil is undetermined, but it has increased with the proliferation of weapons by Iran and North Korea and the failure to secure Russia's nuclear arsenal following the Cold War.

"For while the probability of a nuclear weapon one day going off in a U.S. city cannot be calculated, it is almost surely larger than it was five years ago," Mr. Carter said.

Arelcao Akleos said...

"But as much as it may disappoint you, the head hackers aren't even close to having the technology to do that."

Since the ideological centres of the headhackers lie in Qom, Mecca, , Al-Azhar, Islamabad, being "close to having that technology" is long achieved. As much as it may not disappoint you.

Pepe le Pew said...

while the probability of a nuclear weapon one day going off in a U.S. city cannot be calculated, it is almost surely larger than it was five years ago.

this is about as meaningless a statement as they come - if it went up a thousand fold from a chance in a trillion to one in a billion, it still wouldn't be much to worry about.

Tecumseh said...

So OK, the guy is from Harvard -- what do you expect, precise estimates? Ask someone from MIT if you want better numbers. But the fact remains -- rogue states and IM are expanding their nuclear capabilities, and their willingness and abilities to deliver on their of-repeated threats is not questioned by anyone except the most head-up-their-kilters DU-MoveOn-pinko wackos.

Pepe le Pew said...

Right, and compare that to your chance of getting killed by some whacko with a gun he should have never had any access to in the first place, and tell me what you ought to be worrying about.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I am more worried about whackos when I don't have my gun than when I do.