Friday, April 18, 2008

Planet Pepe losing Apostles

Dowd disowns him and now Krugman craps on the clinging thesis. Kaus has also shown this all to be bull.


Tecumseh said...

From Dowd: the other wonky Ivy League lawyer in the primary just knows how to condescend better. OK, true enough. But what gets me (well, among other things) is that why a bunch of Harvard lawyers who just jabber, jabber, jabber should condescend to me. And, besides, Hillary cackles and Obama mumbles without a teleprompter. (Mac just shuts up, which is the proper thing to do.)

Tecumseh said...

Kaus is too much the insider-dope guy, at least in this piece. I don't doubt he's a good analyst, but why spend all that much time parsing every single syllable of Obama's utterances?

Tecumseh said...

And now, the whining: They will try to focus on these issues that don't have anything to do with how you're paying your bills at the end of the month.

Right. Obama will pay my bills at the end of the month. And cure my back pain. What else will the Nanny State do for me, out of the goodness of its heart? All for nothing, of course.

Mr roT said...

Obama is trying to have it both ways. First he's the big ideas guy, but when his big ideas of racial conciliation turn out to be sitting in the pews and hollerin' "Kill Whitey," he becomes suddenly a policy wonk that's gonna give me a free AC.

Read Kaus over again and you'll see you two are saying the same thing.

Tecumseh said...

Yes -- but I say it more succinctly, and for free.

Arelcao Akleos said...
