Thursday, February 26, 2009

Is John Derbyshire the anti-FCP?

Does FCP "know how to speak to that vast segment of the American middle class that lives sensibly—indeed, conservatively—wishes to be thought generous and good, finds everyday politics boring, and has a horror of strong opinions?"


Arelcao Akleos said...

The problem, of course, is that there are eras, and this is definitely one of them, where the "daily politics" have rich potential for huge long term effects.
To be concerned about the mere "strength" of opinion, as opposed to the content of opinion, is exactly the kind of "the average is the bestest" thought that works fine in days of sustained normalcy [no harm done in mid50s Eisenhower suburbia] but is futile in days which--as the chinese put it--are highly interesting.
I would also point out that those days of "normalcy" were not that normal in the 20th Century, and that this nation was fortunate to have far more than its "fair" share of them. A good fortune created precisely by those who awoke the somnambulent out of their slumbers and made them aware of killing dangers before it was too late. Better to have "Invincible ignorance" smashed by reality than to have a people's liberty or body smashed by a refusal to face reality.

Is John Derbyshire the anti-FCP? No. He has a full quill of strong opinions, ever ready for the firing. Good for him.

My Frontier Thesis said...

It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to talk the boring subject of politics (I mean c'mon, really) with anyone other than the legislators that have the ways and means.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Uh, no, if you leave it their provence, you get exactly the kind of shit we're in now.

My Frontier Thesis said...

I'll give a ring this weekend and try to catch you, AA. Good post regarding the beirut nazis, too.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Thanks for the heads up, MFT. Will make sure the cellphone is charged up.