Saturday, September 26, 2009

Joys of socialized medicine

In London, NHS trusts have been told to divert more than half of the Accident and Emergency patients, and those seeing specialists, to cheaper "polyclinics" run by groups of GPs. Meanwhile, family doctors will be asked to speed up their consultations, reducing the average time per patient from 12 minutes to eight.

I can't wait till we have the same system in the US.


Arelcao Akleos said...

It sounds pretty much like the system I faced here in Massachusetts, at the clinic I was assigned to in Framingham. And it sounds very much like the system I faced when going to Cook County Hospital back in Chicago. Or the system the VA throws at me.
Simply put, where government rules health care in this country is where we already have such shit. The Pepeans just want everybody but a politically connected elite to get the Full Shit.
Why? It is a grand instrument for wielding the Political over a people and reducing them to servitude.
The Versaillean WetDream, led by all the Wet Pepe's.

Tecumseh said...

How true. But I think you are missing a little nuance here, AA. A better term in this context than "politically connected" would be nomenklatura. This is precisely the system devised by the commies, where the great unwashed would get the Full Shit (or a one-way ticket to the salt mines if they as much as raised a peep), while the nomenklatura would live in pinko hog heaven (which, by the way, was still pretty crummy when it came to medical care, even for the elites, since the commies would manage to screw up almost anything they touched).