Friday, September 25, 2009

Wacko religious nuts think Obama wanted to indoctrinate schoolkids


Tecumseh said...

Yes, I saw that video -- creepy. But how come they are singing hossanas to BHO? I thought Jean-Francois Mac told us during the campaign it's verboten to use the middle name. Have things changed since then?

Mr roT said...

Good point. Part of a bigger indoctrination to get them to convert to Islam.

All for the good of progressivism.

Tecumseh said...

Sounds like the song Pepe sings every morning in the shower: Hello, Mr. President, we honor you today! For all your great accomplishments we all do say "hooray!" Hooray, Mr. President, you're number one!


Tecumseh said...

Complete lyrics in case Mr Rot wants to sing along, while quaffing Stiegl.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Equal work for equal pay....or equal pay for equal work? In Obamaland things aren't always symmetric.