Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bottom question nobody is asking of the day


Tecumseh said...

Is this a grammatical sentence? Perhaps in Rotter propositional calculus. Let's see if Mr T bites, though.

Mr roT said...

Since when are post titles complete sentences, Prof Safire?

Tecumseh said...

It's not a question of whether the title forms a complete sentence. Rather, the order of the component pieces is totally out of whack, and not hanging together as a whole. A cardinal sin.

Mr roT said...

Reread your original comment here, Tecs, and don't try to delete it; I have it on file...

Tecumseh said...

I don't see any inner contradiction between the two comments I made. And your title still does not make sense: someone is asking a critter named "the day" a question? Rotten, rotten, rotten.

Mr roT said...

You're just gloating because T didn't entitle the link as I suggested.

Look, it's easy to tear people down, Tecs!

Tecumseh said...

All right, now that you've thrown in the towel, let's get down to brass tacks, shall we? I say, a six-pack of Pilsner Urquell. Look, I'm being modest here. Deal?

Mr roT said...

I'll take it.