Monday, September 20, 2010

Time for Tecs to double down on Newt and Cheney

Hey man! It's about mellifluousness!


Tecumseh said...

Reading is essential, Herr rot:

Interestingly, in the same survey, Palin only gets a 48% favorable rating, with a 49% unfavorable rating. That seems to indicate that while some voters think she represents their values, they may not be as supportive of her as a candidate.

Of course, that's because her voice is so screechy, instead of being mellifluous. If she were to take diction lessons (In Spain it rains mainly in the plain), she'd be a cinch in 2012.

Mr roT said...

Are you getting all nuancey on me?

Tecumseh said...

Just channeling my inner Rove.