Thursday, September 30, 2010

Will swings for the fences


Tecumseh said...

Funny story about Goldwater--did not know that one. Pepe never sleeps!

Mr roT said...

You mean Hofstadter and Schorr?

I don't understand how it can be that these people weren't completely discredited by saying that BS.

Schorr is still on NPR (like the Thrasha).

Tecumseh said...

How old is Schorr? Must be pushing 90. But yes, the anti-G-water campaign was one of the most vicious in modern times. Remember the daisy ad?

Mr roT said...

The daisy ad is fair game. Opponents should say whatever they want. What irks me is that the journos were extreme nuts and got away with it.

Of course Goldwater was an extreme nut, but he failed.