Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Of course, Rot thinks cojones are bad

Moore. Lovely. Counterpoint: Walker. While Barro tries Cartesian logic with Rot. Fat chance. Silver makes the Rotter case. Figures.


Mr roT said...

Well, Walker passed it today without the Dems, finally. Let's hope voters forget about all this before elections.

It would be a real bitch to get another 4 years of that cocksucker Obama just for a few teachers in Wisconsin.

Who knows/cares about Wisconsin?

Tecumseh said...

Why should the "voters forget about all this"? Unlike you, I don't think what Walker did was something to be ashamed of. Rather, he's one of the few politicians willing to address the fiscal abyss we are staring at. If voters don't like that, and rather have tax and spend à outrance, so be it. But at least then the choice is clear, and we can all live with the choices we make.

Mr roT said...

The voters will never get past the "taking away our rights as enshrined in the Constitution."

It's all a lie and it's good enough. Remember the fierce moral urgency of change?

Tecumseh said...

Well then, too bad. It would mean we deserve losing our way.

Mr roT said...

More than one way of skinning a cat. He could have gone sneaky instead of head-on and gotten a lot of what he wanted, and then lasted longer.

Of course, I hope he lasts long anyway, but am coming to doubt it.

Remember that MFT was very nonconfrontational. People from that part of the country are that way. This might well have not been the way to fight.

Tecumseh said...

This does not sound non-confrontational to me.