Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Jihad = gangsta rap?

Whatever, Jessica, whatever. Surely those lectures at Harvard are fascinating. Maybe JJ can tell us all about it when he stops cavorting in his endless Garden of Eden.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Osama as Snoop Dawgy Dawg? Remember that long long ago when Harvard was worthy of more respect than Dangerfield? Yeah, it is a very dim memory.
Can we expect future courses on Crusade = Country Music or Soc. Revolution = Atonal Dissonance? Nah, the last would be deemed too "rightist"

Tecumseh said...

Zarky as Ice Cube? Marx as Groucho? Harvard as a self-parody? Pretty soon, Maureen Dowd will have more gravitas than the veritas-seeking stomping-grounds of JJ (when he is in WiFi territory, that is).