Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Source of the Lys

In case you boys was wonderin', I's back in the humid, dank swamp the Red Sox are sloshing in. To answer your questions about where I was, the picture above can answer.


Tecumseh said...

I see the grass. But where are the mountain goats?

Mr roT said...

I answer you a couple posts up.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Great to have you back JJ.

You mentioned that your summer was weird, but it didn't sound unpleasent. Elaborate?

Mr roT said...

Howdy, mft! It would take a while to describe all the goings-on. The high point of the trip was a hike up the Crammont followed by the development of a cardiac arrhythmia that put me in the hospital in Aosta a night. The docs say no worries as long as I don't continue provoking them for the hell of it, but I think I will see a cardiologist soon.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Glad you made it to see the physicians after your Crammont ascent. Seeing a Yankee cardiologist sounds like a sound idea too.