Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Death To Santa

Ye Minions of Kapitalist Kola


Tecumseh said...

"Santa is an English language creation, people who want to see him should go to America where I am sure Coca Cola will be happy to oblige."

Sounds straight out the Pepean repertoire.

The Darkroom said...

>>Sounds straight out the Pepean repertoire.

Yup, I thought i had copyrighted that one.

Shit. Is it already this time of year when we have to lament the spirit of christ dropping out of christmas ?

Tecumseh said...

Do the French still remember what Christmas means? They may barf a buche de Noel sometimes in late December, but that's it.

My Frontier Thesis said...

The French still remember when their Kings used think they ruled by ultimate and Divine Right. That was insane then. Now, Pepe symbolizes how crazy the French have gotten with their celebration of athiesm. It's just a really fucked-up place all around.

The Darkroom said...

>>They may barf a buche de Noel sometimes in late December, but that's it.

bad froggies guilty of lèse-santa going straight to hell? ok, but can we take our buches along?

The Darkroom said...

>>Pepe symbolizes how crazy the French have gotten with their celebration of athiesm

Can you expand on this ? I don't see where the "craziness" is there.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Militant State-Sanctioned Athiesm isn't also dangerous, Pepe?

The Darkroom said...

>>Militant State-Sanctioned Athiesm isn't also dangerous, Pepe?

Interesting question, but I don't think it applies. Rather the notion is that there is no space for superstition in public affairs - the state isn't preventing or discouraging private religious practice.

Mr roT said...

I find it odd that no one has remarked that this purity of essense stuff is coming from the country that gave us Schickelgrueber.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Rather the notion is that there is no space for superstition in public affairs - the state isn't preventing or discouraging private religious practice.

How would you define "superstition"? The State is inextricably bound with the private sphere, Pepe. The private sphere is where the government workers come from. Anyhow, how do you make sure the State doesn't interfere with my Friday night goat sacrificing?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Also Pepe, my question does apply as we're talking about what Government decides to push, or what we as a people want the gov't to push. At least put a bit more effort forth when wiggling your way out of a question.

Now, once again: Is Militant State-Sanctioned Athiesm dangerous too, Pepe?

The Darkroom said...

>>Now, once again: Is Militant State-Sanctioned Athiesm dangerous too, Pepe?

what is the difference bw "militant" state-sanction atheism and state-sanctioned atheism ?

The Darkroom said...

>>How would you define "superstition"?

belief in unproven/questionable conjectures ?

The Darkroom said...

>>The State is inextricably bound with the private sphere, Pepe. The private sphere is where the government workers come from.

Sure but while it is the govt workers' right to believe collectively that the Great Pumkin will arise on Halloween night, it isn't the govt's duty to promote that belief via public channels.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Militant State-Sanction Athiesm is legislating it illegal to have any type of religion, anywhere. See: U.S.S.R. for one example (from the Mongolian Buddhists to the eastern European Jews and everyone in between!). I can't imagine you endorse that, though.

Militant Athiesm on the personal level is what I experienced at a friend's last weekend. Friend A is Militant Athiest in Friend B's house. Friend B is a non-Prosyletizing Christian. Friend A told Friend B that his religious beliefs were shit, that God doesn't exist (neither had a mathematical formula that could prove or disprove that statement), and then openly mocked him in his own house. Friend B, the non-Prosyletizing Christian, sat silently. I told Friend A it was time to go, and we left. Friend B was being hospitable, kind, generous the entire evening. Friend A was a fucking monster. I digress.

I don't care for gov't shoving religion down my throat either, Pepe. However, if someone wants to have that good-old freedom of expression, then let them. If a man dresses up in a Santa suit, should he be allowed to work for the government, or walk around in government buildings? If a man writes "FUCK THE DRAFT!" on his coat, should he be allowed to walk around in gov't buildings or courthouses? This is all very complex, and it certainly changes from region to region throughout the country. I saw a group of Tibet monks that my state-funded University accomodated about two months ago. I thought it great that they were accomodated, but then I should probably expect that same type of respect be given to Benedictine monks, and all the rest.

Also: it's only natural for "non-superstitious" types to believe that their beliefs are infallible, or non-mythical. It's like JJ believing that Jolie is not a ho-bag. We all impose intellectual constructs on the empirical world to order facts and make it understandable.

The Darkroom said...

>>Militant State-Sanction Athiesm is legislating it illegal to have any type of religion, anywhere. See: U.S.S.R. for one example (from the Mongolian Buddhists to the eastern European Jews and everyone in between!). I can't imagine you endorse that, though.

right. thank you.

>Friend A was a fucking monster. I digress.

...and a moron to boot.

so we have no argument.