Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Pamela Anderson Four-Way!

Yo, MFT! Kid Rock sounds like you!


Arelcao Akleos said...


My Frontier Thesis said...

Anytime someone imposes the word "whore" on a woman, it sounds like mft. Nevermind that Pam's a walking STD. I guess JJ'll stick it in anything.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pam's the Pride of Alberta, MFT. You have just insulted a Nation...Uh, A Confederation....Uh A Vague Association....Anyway, you've insulted Something, MFT.

Mr roT said...

Has mft insulted a prince Albert? How does he know I'd stick it with anything?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Rumors of Krazy Glue and JJ have reached his ears?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Let's see where my logic went wrong here JJ:

You said, "Kid Rock sounds like you mft!" or something crazy to that effect. I thought, "Hmmmm, perhaps JJ is saying this because he thinks Pamela Anderson is a classy lady." Then I thought, "Well, what about those STDs she carries around, compliments of Motley Crue?" So then I thought, "Well, JJ must not mind a little thing like an STD," and that's where I arrived upon the idea that you'll stick it in anything (of course, with a little embellishment). Then AA said something crazy about Canukistania (it gets cold in that there Yukon), and then JJ added some more crazy, and now here we are, something about super glue and ears.

Geertz refers to this as "thick description."