Monday, September 29, 2008

Might as well get used to this SOB



Tecumseh said...

Keep a stiff upper lip, old chap.

Tecumseh said...

Kristol is right on this much: Every minute she spends not telling the American people something that makes them less well disposed to Obama is a minute wasted. Has she said anything along these lines since her speech at the RNC? I don't think so. Bad, JJ, bad.

Mr roT said...

Bad JJ? This is the self-nominated A I Roves of the world out to teach an instinctive politicial how to act so her popularoty can reach W's.

Tecumseh said...

Whatever. But if she's so good, why is she being sheltered and coaxed by AI Rove wannabes? Nobody is holding her up, she can go whenever she wants in front of a microphone and illuminate us all. I wish she did -- I hold no malice against her -- but I'm afraid she's not cutting the mustard, JJ, despite all your rah, rah, rah.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Because, AI, the Karl Rove wannabe's run the campaigns, and the usual politicos are so used to kowtowing to their "wisom" that they hardly know how to assert their own sense of the game. The last one who could do so consistently was Reagan, at least through his first term, and lordy how the Karl Roves of that era tried to bind him to their idiocies.
She's the VP, so when McCain says "do this" she loyally does this. But I bet if she was running on her own she'd tell the Karl Roves to put their shit where no shit has ever shined. After all, that's exactly what she did to win the governership in Alaska.
It's not that she doesn't "cut the mustard", AI, it is that the ivied Washington politicos [whom you seem to regard with inordinate respect] can't begin to recognize a gift horse when it stomps all over them.

Mr roT said...

Another example: Not that LBJ was a saint, but he was a natural-born politico. It was JFK's eggheads and McNamara that turned him into a political basket case.

Pepe le Pew said...

Right, she's a closet Einstein waiting to reveal herself. This should be obvious without the need to challenge her.