Sunday, September 28, 2008

Your garden variety LA republican


Arelcao Akleos said...

Really, this guy and not the Governor would characterize LA Republicans? So William Ayers, and not the Governor, characterizes Illinois Iemocrats? So Senator Byrd, and not Obama, characterizes Planet Pepe? Try again, Vichy Boy.

Pepe le Pew said...

well, there is vitter too if you prefer.

Pepe le Pew said...

goody-two-shoes jindal certainly isn't your typical LA politician, although he is no less revolting than his peers.

Pepe le Pew said...

got me here.

Mr roT said...

BTW, this guy's not a garden-variety repub. He's a garden-variety wop.

Pepe le Pew said...

A link just for you

Arelcao Akleos said...

"the sterilization of the poor - that's republican rhetoric, not dago-speak"

You really pull gerbils out of your derriere so well, Le Pew. "Sterilization of the poor" is Republican speak???? Really?
Just to guide you gently out of the morass of your ignorance, the only significant movement in this country for sterilization was that led by the Eugenics Movement of the late 19th century to the mid 20the century. And the leaders of that group were almost to the man and woman Democrats or Socialists [at that time, that was still a distinction with a distinction]. Their 'Muse" and chief advocate was Sanger, left wing bitch extraordinaire who waxed poetic on the uses of abortion and sterilization to keep the unfit and the peasantry from disrupting Progress. Actually, sort of like Planet Pepe dreams of when glancing out at those Red State Rubes. Sanger, of course, was also Green as well as bloody and overliteral in her notions of "social engineering". The Joan d'Arc of slicin' and dicin' for Versailles. May your wet dreams be Sangernary, Le Pew.

Mr roT said...

I think the Tuskegee experiment was done in good ol' southron democrat days, Pepe, but hey! Dem, Rep...

Arelcao Akleos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr roT said...

You got an extra slash in there, AA: here.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Danke, JJ

Pepe le Pew said...

Pick a lone left wing wacko, throw in a little dixiecrat anachronism, a zest of civil war memorabilia, pull a blind on ronnie thebestpresidentamericaeverhad and poof! the gop is the party of civil rights.

Arelcao Akleos said...

A lone leftwing whacko????
You really are an ignorant "something" . Sanger was the who put the "abortion question" into the mainstream of the Democrat party. A very good friend of Eleanor Roosevelt, she persuaded both the federal and numerous state governments [those led by Democrats] to institutionalize eugenicist policies, including forced sterilizations of those who scored low enough on IQ tests. She was also a prime mover behind the early branch of the "environmentalist" movement which sought to form a united front with those seeking "social justice" [unlike Rachel Carson, say, who although environmentalist was definitely not willing to bind that issue to larger ideologies].
She was as "lone" in the politics of her day as Al Gore is today.
Pathetic, Pepe, not to know the creators of your own planet.

Pepe le Pew said...

the "abortion question" isn't a question in most industrialized nations - only in the backwaters of your beloved Ozarks.

But your point shows well how republicans like Labruzzo are embracing ideas long discarded by the dems.

Mr roT said...

me quieres decir que mas mayates es mejor?

Pepe le Pew said...

tienes razon: mas cuellos rojos es peor.