Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Big Dig, redux

Obama has signed an executive order encouraging the exact kind of project-labor agreements that were the basis of contracts awarded for the Big Dig. So infrastructure projects in the stimulus are likely to reward the kinds of characters who mooched off the Big Dig for so many years, including Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff, the negligent project managers who settled with the Commonwealth out of court for shoddy work, and Powers Fasteners, who were found liable for the accidental death of a woman driving through a tunnel when a roof tile fell down. We'd like to believe that no money ever found its way into the hands of mobsters like Carmen "the Cheeseman" DiNunzio... Yeah, sure. But this is a good way to entice Whitey Bulger to come back to Beantown.

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