Saturday, February 14, 2009

Obama undoes triumphs



Tecumseh said...

Did you have any doubts he'll try to do this? By definition, pinkos want as many people as possible to be dependent on the State -- it's the ne plus ultra of Socialism. The only slight surprise is the speed with which he has achieved this. OK, so what next? Nationalization of the banking system cannot be too far down the line.

Tecumseh said...

More: The $65.5 trillion total federal obligations under GAAP accounting not only now exceed four times the U.S. gross domestic product, or GDP, the $65.5 trillion deficit exceeds total world GDP. "Shy of the government severely slashing social welfare programs, federal deficits of this magnitude are beyond any hope of containment, government or otherwise".

Aahhh, don't worry, be happy.

Pepe le Pew said...

Missing the Clinton surplus, Tec ?

Tecumseh said...

That's ancient history. Bubba was coasting on the success of Reaganomics, reaping the peace dividend that came with the end of the Cold War, and basically coming to a modus vivendi with the Republican-controlled Congress, while of course busily inflating the bubble, in tandem with Alan Greenspan. Many years after -- and many additional cosmic idiocies later -- we are now paying the piper.

And, by the way, here are some thoughts on this pyrrhic "victory".