Thursday, February 12, 2009

Spread the word


Tecumseh said...

Pinkos sharpening the long knives for the crystal night? C'mon, Pepe, you cannot possibly believe in this bullshit. Are they gonna go on and on with their Bush Derangement Syndrome, even after the man is no longer President? Jeez, get a life.

Pepe le Pew said...

this is all about accountability. The bar of which having been raised so high by republicans in the 90s, I can't imagine they would hesitate to subject themselves to their own standards. But have no worries: the focus won't be over whether anyone has been less than candid about marital pecadillos.

Arelcao Akleos said...
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Arelcao Akleos said...

Let's see. Clinton was charged with regular crime of lying under oath. Bush is charged with the political crime of overthrowing Hussein.
Le Pew blathers on how its all about the wifey. The truth is the criminalization of politics by that most bountifully corrupt gaggle of Pepean Socialists, the Aristo-Dems.
The Imperator begins to dream his dream.

Pepe le Pew said...

he was lying under schmoath, not about whether he fabricated evidence to justify war, but whether or not some bimbo blew him. nobody's business but his (and hill's).
Whatever the case, for the historical record, it is important to know whether dubbyah and his cronies fabricated their case, regardless of whether or not it was justified in the end. and certainly more so than whether or not some president got blown in the oval office.