Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spreading the wealth

Obama’s massive mortgage-bailout plan is nothing more than a thinly disguised entitlement program that redistributes income from the responsible 92 percent of home-owning mortgage holders who pay their bills on time to the irresponsible defaulters who bought more than they could ever afford. In other words, robbing Peter to pay Paul. The very definition of Socialism.

If the government really wants to help, instead of bailing out irresponsible mortgage holders, it should support new and younger families who want to buy starter homes and begin to climb the ladder of prosperity. Nahhh. No hopey changey unless you're on the pinko gravy train.


Tecumseh said...

WSJ: by investing in failure, the Administration will also prolong the housing downturn and make financing a home purchase more difficult for future borrowers. Meanwhile, the plan isn't likely to slow the continuing decline in housing prices. Joys of pinkonomics. Pepe ululates.

Pepe le Pew said...

nothing more than a thinly disguised entitlement program that redistributes income from the responsible 92 percent of home-owning mortgage holders who pay their bills on time to the irresponsible defaulters who bought more than they could ever afford

While this is perfectly true, the last 8 years have institutionalized bleeding the middle class to substitute the increasing appetite for wealth of the super rich. Yet none of you calls it socialism.

Tecumseh said...

In its waning days, the Bush administration turned to socialistic solutions, no doubt about it. And I was very clear in saying that at the time (last Fall), if you cared to read what I was saying. But this is doubling down, and going full hog the Marx way (Karl & Groucho, at the same time).

As for the "super rich", do you care to name names, Pepe? Would you counts your buddies, like Bubba, or Soros, or basically all of Hollywood, among them, or do you exclude lefties on account of them being pinkos, and thus, untouchables?

Tecumseh said...

You all knew this was coming, right? Stoopid, cowardly Ricains.