Monday, September 07, 2009



Tecumseh said...

Obama is averse to using the V-word (victory) and the American left since the Vietnam years has not wanted to see America victorious in war. They think it makes us look chauvinistic and proud about our nation when we should be, as Obama often has been, apologetic for its sins.

Canossa rossa anyone?

Mr roT said...

He'll make us lose everything just so as not to sound like Patton.

Tecumseh said...

Abstruse are the ways of Pepean logic. Can you really grasp such psychology? I can, sort of, in an abstract sort of way, but I keep having the nagging feeling that something is not real. Just doesn't make sense at the gut level. Oh well, one must live with the realization that one simply cannot understand everything.

Mr roT said...

Allegiances elsewhere, Tecs. To race or to principle. Not to protecting whitey from Mohammed.

Tecumseh said...

More Pepean logic: You don't agree with us? You're a psychopath. Straight out of the Soviet playbook, when dissidents were "diagnosed" as being afflicted with sluggishly progressing schizophrenia. La même Jeannette autrement coiffée.

Mr roT said...

You're crazy. ... wait