Thursday, September 17, 2009

Capitulation as an art form

The U.S. will base its decision on a determination that Iran's long-range missile program has not progressed as rapidly as previously estimated, reducing the threat to the continental U.S. and major European capitals

To laugh, or to cry? I say, both.


Mr roT said...

We retreat on all fronts. Just like with Jimmah.

Read elsewhere that Obama's putting up trade barriers against China.

Yes, that's the same China that's lending us the money so that ACORN scum can all get rich.

But hey! What could go wrong there?

Tecumseh said...

Don't worry, be happy. Have some more ouzo.

BTW, what do the bounced czechs say?

Mr roT said...

Errr... is this a riddle? Bounced Czechs say pay me plus the penalty?

Tecumseh said...

How about the Poles? There must be a joke in here somewhere...

Mr roT said...

Czechs, Poles, Finns, Lapps.

OK, chief, go to it!

Mr roT said...

Class Tecs. Class.

But where's the "Don't worry--says Tecs--Barry went to Harvard" label?

Mr roT said...

Art. High art.

Tecumseh said...

Thursday is the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland at the start of World War II. This is an anniversary Pepe religiously observes every year. It's up there in the Pantheon of pinkdom with November 7th.

Tecumseh said...

Pissin' up a rope: What signal does this send to Ukraine, Georgia and a host of other former Soviet satellites who look to America and NATO for protection from their powerful neighbour? The impending cancellation of Third Site is a shameful abandonment of America’s friends in eastern and central Europe, and a slap in the face for those who actually believed a key agreement with Washington was worth the paper it was written on.

You don't say.

Mr roT said...

The signal is clear, Tecs. It was that you were wrong about supporting Obama just because he went to Harvard.

Tecumseh said...

Idée fixe, Mr Rot.

Tecumseh said...

Pinkos ululate. Of course.

Tecumseh said...

Summing up: Five months ago, at a speech in Prague, Obama saluted their efforts: “The Czech Republic and Poland have been courageous in agreeing to host a defense against [Iranian] missiles.” But those are mere words. Today’s actions speak louder. The president has sent a chilling message about American resolve in the face of Russian saber-rattling.


Mr roT said...

From the "Nation" article:

UPDATE From the text of the White House announcement this morning:
"The United States ... will be testing and updating a range of approaches for improving our sensors for missile defense. The new distributed interceptor and sensor architecture also does not require a single, large, fixed European radar that was to be located in the Czech Republic; this approach also uses different interceptor technology than the previous program, removing the need for a single field of 10 ground-based interceptors in Poland. Therefore, the Secretary of Defense recommended that the United States no longer plan to move forward with that architecture. ...
We also welcome Russian cooperation to bring its missile defense capabilities into a broader defense of our common strategic interests."

We have nothing to worry about, Tecs. Barry's gonna improve the sensors! We'll be able to sniff out the Russkies' missiles all the way from Kansas, just like we always did.

The Poles are a bunch of knuckledraggers anyway. Have you seen what they eat? Not a single Belgian endive in the whole country, the fat bastards.

Serves them right that they didn't go to Harvard.