Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The End of the Red Dawn...

See the title linked to Swayze's obit.

Below is a clip from one of his famouse FCP roles, and on that note I have heard that Soviet strategists determined an actual attack, take-over and occupation of America was, well, impossible. This conclusion reached after simply crunching the number of firearms in proportion to the population. I suppose the same could be said about a potential invasion of the U.S.S.R., a theroetically silly move as well. Anyhow, see below.

But it looks as though a remake is on the way.


Tecumseh said...

A great Cold War classic. Of course, Pepe was rooting for the Russkie invaders when he saw the movie. Ah, well.

Arelcao Akleos said...

A remake? What, this time it's going to be an invasion by Evil Kapitalist Pigs? If Hollywood can remake a classic into a self-serving leftist abortion [such as with The Manchurian Candidate] they of course can do it with B-movie fare such as "Red Dawn".
But why are they even bothering?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Hold on, hold on. The remake is being filmed in Michigan (arguably FCP militia territory), and the fictional setting is Spokane, Washington, a perfect place for a group of American high-schoolers to battle Chinese paratroopers. Maybe the dandy Spokane mayor will make a cameo?