Sunday, September 20, 2009

Guv under the bus


Mr roT said...

When Rangel has Democrat veto power:

The situation between Mr. Cuomo and Mr. Paterson has been a complicated one. Mr. Cuomo is still haunted by the fierce backlash he stirred in 2002 when he decided to run in the Democratic primary for governor against H. Carl McCall, the first serious black candidate for governor. Now, Mr. Cuomo effectively has the blessing of the nation's first back president to run against New York's first black governor. That will probably neutralize any criticism he may face among the governor's prominent black allies, including Representative Charles B. Rangel of Harlem, who warned this year that the party would become racially polarized if Mr. Cuomo took on Mr. Paterson.

Tecumseh said...

This is what happens when you live in an essentially one-party State.

Mr roT said...

Not quite. The one party has to keep all its wackos happy once it lets them in.

Tecumseh said...

Well, OK, it's not quite automatic, but chances increase tremendously that the system gets corrupt (and inefficient, etc) once there is no real competition. It's a theorem. Just look it up.

Mr roT said...

Second law of one-party states.

Rangel is the one-eyed man in the land of the blind.

Tecumseh said...

Isn't he under indictment for tax evasion, or something?

Mr roT said...

Tax code's too complicated, but as a minority, there are no accountants that will help him out, poor guy.